
Kennedy Nguyen

Hi! I'm an illustrator and cartoonist based in Atlanta, Georgia. I do freelance work (primarily in comics) and write and draw my own stories in my spare time.

I've been a huge fan of comics ever since I started reading Usagi Yojimbo at a young age, but I thought my fascination with comics ended there. In the ripe Summer of 2015, I stumbled upon a 37 minute documentary of Jim Lee on YouTube that changed my life. Up until this point, I never thought anyone could make a living creating art. Jim’s drive and passion resonated with me so much that I ordered over $100 worth of instructional art books that very night. And it was on this day that I began to draw for the first time in years.

Since then, I've made a commitment to chase this dream I have of filling an entire bookshelf with books I've either created or helped to create. I think everybody on earth has the capability to accomplish more than they know, and I often daydream about where my imagination and hard work can take me.